1st Grade Team
1st Grade Curriculum
Unit 4: Leapfrogs on the Number Line
Learning Targets
- Students use the number line to add and subtract to 120
- Students count forward and backwards by 5's and 10's on a number line
- Students solve word problems using a number line
- Students measure, compare numbers and find differences (subtraction)
Family Resources
Unit 5: Geometry
Learning Targets
- Students identify, name, describe, compare and draw 2-dimensional (2D) shapes
- Students identify, name, describe and compare 3-dimensional (3D) shapes
- Students divide shapes into equal parts and fractions
- Students sort and graph shapes
Unit 6: Facts with Penguins
Learning Targets
- Students solve addition and subtraction story problems up to 20
- Students efficiently add and subtract to 100
- Students measure and compare heights
Family Resources
Unit 6: Facts with Penguins
Learning Targets
- Students solve addition and subtraction story problems up to 20
- Students efficiently add and subtract to 100
- Students measure and compare heights
Unit 7: One Hundred and Beyond
Learning Targets
- Students understand and use place value to 120
- Students use the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" on a number line to count forward and backward by 1's, 5's and 10's from a variety of starting points
- Students add and subtract numbers up to 120
- Students use the concept of place value to count money
Family Resources
Unit 1: Classroom Community: Fiction, Nonfiction, & Poetry
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students discuss, retell stories, and determine point of view
- Students review High Frequency Words
- Students identify and use new vocabulary and synonyms
- Students practice and improve handwriting
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students recognizing rhymes
- Students segment, add, delete and substitute syllables
- Students work on initial phoneme substitution
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students blend and segment
- Students decode CVC words and words with diagraphs and blends
High Frequency Words
He, she, can’t, isn’t, get, to, no, yes, down, go, my, where, by, here, saw, they, little, was, put, what, do, like, have, home, of said, his, her, come, come, out, say, says, so
Unit 2: Making Connections Fiction & Poetry
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students discuss, retell stories, and determine the author’s message
- Students identify and use new vocabulary including words with suffix -ed, ending -ing, and shades of meaning
- Students practice and improve handwriting
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students recognizing rhymes
- Students segment, add, delete and substitute syllables
- Students work on initial phoneme substitution
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students blend and segment
- Students decode CVC words and words with diagraphs and blends
High Frequency Words
He, she, can’t, isn’t, get, to, no, yes, down, go, my, where, by, here, saw, they, little, was, put, what, do, like, have, home, of said, his, her, come, come, out, say, says, so
Unit 3: Retelling Fiction
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students retell stories
- Students identify point of view and author's message
- Students sequence story events
- Students identify and use new vocabulary including words with prefix -re,-in, suffix -y, and antonyms.
- Students practice and improve handwriting
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students produce rhymes
- Students blend 2-3 phonemes
- Students segment, add, delete and substitute initial phonemes
- Students work on consonant Digraphs and Blends
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students decode words with long vowel sounds
High Frequency Words
Every, other, mother, brother, women, woman, boy, toward, over, their, old, cold, told, one, two
Unit 4: Visualizing Poetry & Fiction
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students visualize and identify sensory details in Poems
- Students identify patterns in poems and stories
- Students identify multiple spellings for short o
- Students retell by acting out poems and stories
- Students practice and improve oral reading fluency
- Students identify and use new vocabulary including words with endings -s, -ed, -ing, and suffix -er
- Students practice and improve lowercase letters and punctuation
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students recognizing rhymes
- Students segment, add, delete and substitute syllables
- Students work on initial phoneme substitution
- Students blend 4 phonemes
- Students segment words with 2-3 phonemes
- Students add and delete initial phoneme
- Students add and delete final phoneme
February - May
Life Science: Animal Traits & Survival Unit (Animal Superpowers)
Learning Targets
- Students observe the traits of adult and baby animals in order to construct an explanation that most young animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents
- Students investigate how different bird beaks are well suited for eating different kinds of food. They explain which beak would help a particular bird survive in a particular environment
- Students obtain information about the behaviors of animal parents that help their offspring survive
- Students use observations of animal parents and their offspring to construct an explanation about young plants and animals being similar, but not identical, to their parents
- Students identify parts of plants such as roots, branches, and leaves. They evaluate these plant parts and apply that information to design an umbrella that won’t blow down in the wind
October - December
Earth & Space Science: Day Patterns (Sun & Shadows) Unit
Learning Targets
- Students observe how shadows change as time passes, or as the Sun moves across the sky. They analyze how to move a light source to change the shape and direction of shadows, constructing an explanation of what causes a shadow to move
- Students conduct an investigation to gather information about how their shadow changes throughout the day
- Students develop a Sun Finder, a model of the Sun’s movement across the sky. They use this model to reason about how the Sun can help guide them during the day
- Students obtain information about the seasonal patterns of sunrise and sunset
Earth & Space Science: Night Patterns (Moon & Stars) Unit
Learning Targets
- Students record observations of the Moon’s shape using a series of photos collected over the course of four weeks. Using this information, students discover that the Moon follows a cyclical pattern, which they can use to predict when a full moon will appear
- Students develop and use a model of the Big Dipper in the night sky. After conducting a simple investigation, students construct an explanation for why stars are only visible in the night sky
- Students observe that groups of stars in the sky form a pattern: constellations. Even though the Big Dipper changes its spot in the sky in different seasons, it always points to the North Star
Life Science: Plant Traits & Survival Unit (Plant Superpowers)
Learning Targets
- Students observe seedlings and adult plants and use their observations to identify the pattern that young plants are similar to their parent plants
- Students learn how plants respond to light. They conduct an investigation to compare how the parts of a plant respond to light
- Students learn how plants respond to light. They conduct an investigation to compare how the parts of a plant respond to light
March - May
Physical Science: Light, Sound, & Communication Unit
Learning Targets
- Students explore how to make different sounds with everyday objects. They construct an explanation that objects vibrate when they make a sound, and if the vibration stops, the sound stops
- Students create three different sound makers and construct an explanation about where the vibrations are happening in each sound experiment
- Students investigate the properties of different materials that they can and cannot see through. Then they create a stained glass window using tissue paper to explore how materials interact with light
- Students look inside a completely dark box to determine if they can see the shape of the object inside. They allow more light into the box to illuminate the object and allow them to see it. Students use their observations explain that objects need light to be seen
- Students are presented with the problem that they need to send a message at night, without using noise. They design a solution to create a color-coded message system and communicate with light signals
- Students obtain information about light and sound signals. They analyze different sounds with eyes closed to determine which type of sound they hear
Social Studies
History Unit
Learning Target
- Students explain how the diverse perspectives and traditions of families from many cultures have shaped the United States
Civics Unit
Learning Targets
- Students ummarize how effective groups have responsible leaders and team members
- Students identify and explain how the significance of notable people, places, holidays, and civic symbols reflect the origins and values of the government and its citizens
Geography Unit
Learning Target
- Students describe the characteristics of a community and how they are influenced by the environment
Civics Unit
Learning Target
- Students identify and explain how the significance of notable people, places, holidays, and civic symbols reflect the origins and values of the government and its citizens
Unit 1: The Writing Community - Narrative
Learning Targets
- Students examine mentor texts
- Students use sentence starters to write pieces with creativity and originality
- Students identify how
- Students apply all Kindergarten conventions and capitalizations
- Students build stamina to produce independent writing with illustrations that match the text
- Students read and share writing with an audience
Unit 3: Telling More - Narrative
Learning Targets
- Students elaborate and add on details to expand writing
- Students use strategies to spell unfamiliar words
- Students capitalize proper nouns
- Students read mentor texts to learn how authors add details to writing
- Students build stamina to write independently
- Students write 5+ sentences with details
- Students apply phonics rules to writing
- Students write declarative and interrogative sentences