Kindergarten Team
Kindergarten Curriculum
Unit 2: Numbers to 10
Learning Targets
- Students begin to develop number sense with combinations to make 5 and 10
- Students explore numbers between 0 and 10 by building and using a 10-bead number rack
- Students continue to develop number sense with numbers up to 10 by recognizing and matching numbers
- Students explore shapes and patterns as they compose and decompose shapes
Family Resources
Unit 3: Bikes & Bugs: Double, Add & Subtract
Learning Targets
- Students learn how to count groups of objects by 2s up to 20
- Students add and subtract 1 from a number up to 10
- Students are introduced to the concept of doubles
- Students solve story problems involving adding and subtracting 1, as well as doubling quantities
- Students work on ordering and comparing numbers
Unit 4: Paths to Adding, Subtracting, & Measuring
Learning Targets
- Students use the number line to count forward and backward from 0 to 50
- Students count, add and subtract numbers
- Students compare and measure length
- Students solve and subtract story problems to 10
Family Resources
Unit 5: Two-Dimensional (2D) Geometry
Learning Targets
- Students explore differences between 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) shapes
- Students identify, describe, and draw 2-dimensional (2D) shapes
- Students sort and compare shapes on graphs
Unit 6: Three-Dimensional (3D) Shapes & numbers Beyond 10
Learning Targets
- Students name and describe 3-dimensional (3D) shapes
- Students understand place value of numbers from 10 to 20
- Students solve number combinations to 10
Family Resources
Unit 6: Three-Dimensional (3D) Shapes & numbers Beyond 10
Learning Targets
- Students name and describe 3-dimensional (3D) shapes
- Students understand place value of numbers from 10 to 20
- Students solve number combinations to 10
Unit 7: Weight & Place Value
Learning Targets
- Students weigh objects and earn the concept of heavier and lighter
- Students add and subtract story problems to 10
- Students count groups of objects by 10s and 1's
Family Resources
Unit 1: Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students discuss and answer questions about stories read aloud
- Students learn and practice reading names
- Students sing and chorally read songs, poems, and books
- Students learn letter names and sounds
- Students learn how to read words in a sentence and return sweep
- Students learn and practice pencil and pincer grip
- Students learn and practice forming upper and lowercase letters
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students identify rhymes
- Students isolate the initial consonant in words
- Students segment, add, delete, substitute compound words and syllables
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students identify lower and upper case letter names
- Students identify and produce letter sounds
High Frequency Words
The, and, is, I, see, you, me, we, are, can
Unit 2: Making Connections Fiction & Poetry
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students discuss a story message
- Students write and draw about stories read aloud
- Students chorally read poems and stories
- Students learn and use new vocabulary with endings -ed and -s
- Students learn and practice writing upper case letters
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students identify rhymes
- Students isolate the initial consonant in words
- Students segment, add, delete, substitute compound words and syllables
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students identify lower and upper case letter names
- Students identify and produce letter sounds
High Frequency Words
The, and, is, I, see, you, me, we, are, can
Unit 3: Retelling Fiction and Poetry
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students discuss and retell stories and poem
- Students echo and chorally read stories
- Students identify patterns and rhyming words in poems and stories
- Students rebuild sentences from stories
- Students learn and use new vocabulary with endings -ed and -s
- Students learn and practice writing upper and lower case letters
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students identify rhymes
- Students isolate the initial consonant in words
- Students segment onset rime
- Students add, delete, substitute, initial phonemes
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students identify letter names
- Students identify and produce letter sounds
- Students blend CVC words
High Frequency Words
He, she, can’t, isn’t, to, get, no, yes, go, down, where, my, by, here, saw they
Unit 4: Visualize Poetry & Fiction
Reading for All Purposes
Learning Targets
- Students identify spaces, words, punctuation, and capitalization in stories
- Students visualize and draw poems and stories based on the words in the text
- Students learn and use new vocabulary with endings -less and prefix -un
- Students learn and practice writing upper and lower case letters
Foundational Reading
Phonemic Awareness Learning Targets
- Students identify rhymes
- Students isolate the initial consonant in words
- Students segment onset rime
- Students add, delete, substitute, initial phonemes
Phonics Learning Targets
- Students identify letter names
- Students identify and produce letter sounds
- Students blend CVC words
High Frequency Words
He, she, can’t, isn’t, to, get, no, yes, go, down, where, my, by, here, saw they
Life Science: Animal Needs Unit (Animal Secrets)
Learning Targets
- Students obtain information through virtual observations of different animal behaviors and use this evidence to explain that one of the basic needs of animals is food
- Students obtain information through media about how different animal homes are built. They use this evidence to explain that animals need shelter
- Students obtain information through virtual observations of different animal behaviors. They use this evidence to explain that one of the basic needs of animals is shelter
- Students take a nature walk to look for evidence of animal homes
Life Science: Plant Needs Unit (Plant Secrets)
Learning Targets
- Students make observations of plants in order to identify their needs and that they are, in fact, living things
- Students investigate to determine the basic needs of plants. They observe to identify ways young plants resemble the parent plant and how the plant changes as it proceeds through its life cycle
- Students obtain evidence of living organisms by virtually keeping watch of a log and the living things that visit it
Life Science: Plant Needs Unit (Plant Secrets)
Learning Targets
- Students make observations of plants in order to identify their needs and that they are, in fact, living things
- Students investigate to determine the basic needs of plants. They observe to identify ways young plants resemble the parent plant and how the plant changes as it proceeds through its life cycle
- Students obtain evidence of living organisms by virtually keeping watch of a log and the living things that visit it
Earth & Space Science: Severe Weather Unit (Wild Weather)
Topic and Learning Targets
- Students obtain information of different types of severe weather to observe and describe how the weather changes during these events and what students can do to prepare and stay safe
- Students create a simple tool that allows them to observe how hard the wind is blowing. They use this tool to observe weather changes and describe the pattern of faster wind speeds right before a storm
- Students obtain information through observations of the weather. They communicate the information by acting as weather watchers and creating drawings of the weather conditions
Earth & Space Science: Weather Patterns Unit (Circle of Seasons)
Learning Targets
- Students track the weather daily and analyze the data by collecting, recording, and sharing their observations to observe patterns of weather changing throughout the day and from day-to-day
- Students evaluate information in a series of unnamed drawings of each season. They use these clues to identify characteristics of each season and describe the yearly cyclical pattern
- Students identify the reasons why birds lay eggs in the spring. Then, they develop a bird nest model and use this model as evidence for how animals can change the environment to meet their needs
Earth & Space Science: Weather Patterns Unit (Circle of Seasons)
Learning Targets
- Students track the weather daily and analyze the data by collecting, recording, and sharing their observations to observe patterns of weather changing throughout the day and from day-to-day
- Students evaluate information in a series of unnamed drawings of each season. They use these clues to identify characteristics of each season and describe the yearly cyclical pattern
- Students identify the reasons why birds lay eggs in the spring. Then, they develop a bird nest model and use this model as evidence for how animals can change the environment to meet their needs
Physical Science: Sunlight & Warmth Unit (Sunny Skies)
Learning Targets
- Students make observations of the pavement heating up after being warmed by the Sun. Then, they design a solution to build a shade structure that can reduce the warming effect of sunlight
- Students carry out an investigation to test which materials can redirect the light and heat of sunlight (*This lesson has students increase the warming effect of sunlight on an area)
- Students construct an explanation for why marshmallows melt in one car and not in another car. Then, they conduct a virtual investigation to determine that the warmth of the Sun is the cause of the melted marshmallows
March - May
Physical Science: Pushes & Pulls Unit (Force Olympics)
Learning Targets
- Students observe different machines and use those observations as evidence for why machines make work easier
- Students observe construction equipment being used in different ways to move objects
- Students carry out an investigation to determine how far back they should pull a model wrecking ball to knock down a wall, but not the houses behind it
- Students play a game of bumper bowling to observe the way that objects can move in straight lines, zigzags, and back and forth
- Students conduct an investigation of how to protect a town from a falling boulder. They design a solution to safely guide the direction of the boulder away from the town
- Students define a problem they would like to solve and then design a solution using what they know about the locations of objects and how they can move
Social Studies
Unit 3: Telling More - Narrative
Learning Targets
- Students rehearse and plan for writing through oral rehearsal
- Students writes letters and words
- Students re-visit drawings and writing to add more
- Students use word wall to spell high frequency words
- Students capitalize the first letters of sentences
- Students use periods at the end of sentences
- Students approximate spelling using letter sound relationships
- Students add -s or -es to form plural nouns
- Students re-reads own writing