Our School
📷 Joe Frey
Estes Park Elementary School is a PK-5 elementary school with approximately 475 students in grades PK-5.
EPES students learn core content each day in grade-level classrooms. Additionally, they receive instruction in the following specials weekly: Art, computers, music, Spanish, and physical education.
Daily Schedule
Attendance matters! We expect your student to be at school every day unless they are ill. Please use the information below for planning.
First drop off: Supervision begins on Bobcat Den | 7:40 am |
First bell: Students may go to classrooms | 8:00 am |
Tardy bell: Students dropped off after 8:10 must be signed in by an adult in the office | 8:10 am |
Students released for the day | 3:05 pm-3:20 pm |
The front office is open from 7:30am to 4:00pm. If your student is going to be absent, please contact the front office to let us know.
Call: 970-586-7406
Email: Katie_Corbell@estesschools.org
Text: Reply only to the text sent by Katie Corbell. The number will be unique to each user.